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For Serato Studio we knew our key demographic is one obsessed with pop culture - young individuals passionate about music, gaming, movies, theatre, art and fashion. So the brief was to insert Serato Studio into this world context as the next big thing to become obsessed with... the new kick that the music lover can’t do without? We were looking for simple emotive stories leveraging fun, portability and ease of use of Serato Studio - tonally passionate, addictive, obsessive, a guilty pleasure.


'Binge on Beat making' is a series of ads and tutorial executions centered around a young woman so obsessed with Serato Studio that she’s up all night, every night making beats!

In addition to the YT ad campaign we made a full length tutorial with the artist Odalys - where she constructs the whole beat from her bed - much to the horror of her disgruntled boyfreind! However the beat is fire and he decides to join the party on 'bedside table lamp'.

“I loved this vídeo! Very, very funny.”

                                        YT Fan, Serato Studio user

As part of the same campaign we had another set of YT Ads - "Beat Making Battle" that showcased a group of friends hanging out on the couch and competing to make beats much like one might play Play Station.  Throughout they shout suggestions and ideas at each other constantly.

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